The Couples Kitchen
​New York-based Chef James Briscione and his wife Brooke Parkhurst are, collectively, “The Couples Kitchen”. These authors of six books, hosts of two Food Network TV series, and regular guests on shows including Fox & Friends and Dr. Oz, contacted LIFT for a re-branding that will keep pace with their rapidly evolving careers.

Creative Solution
Our goal was to not only provide the client with updated and elevated branding and a new website, but to ready them with the tools they will need to pursue emerging business opportunities. LIFT kicked off the project with a two-day multiple location lifestyle photo shoot in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. This was followed by development of a new logo featuring knife and fork elements symbolizing their partnership. LIFT’s developers extracted the raw content from their old WordPress website and built a brand new, modern, and responsive WordPress site, reorganizing all of their great content. The finishing touches: a presentation deck, business proposal document template, and business cards—all matching their new branding—were then created.